In a catastrophic twist of fate, Lucas becomes a victim of a failed chemical experiment, reducing him into smithereens. He is then catapulted into a realm where peculiar species reign supreme, technology has reached unprecedented heights and humanity teeters on the brink of extinction. When a daring scientist proposes a radical solution to fortify humans against the otherworldly threats, Lucas, driven by an indomitable will to survive, volunteers to be the experimental pioneer and thus starts the advent of Project A.E.G.I.S. - Advanced Evolutionary Genetic Intervention for Survival. Contrary to the grim history of failed attempts, Lucas emerges from the transformative process not only intact but endowed with unparalleled strength and extraordinary abilities and a mind with supercomputing abilities. Becoming the beacon of hope in a desolate world, Lucas stands as the lone savior capable of combating the encroaching monstrosities. Yet, the elation is short-lived. Subsequent experiments on other humans yield only disappointment, dashing the collective optimism that Lucas had inspired. A glimmer of hope rekindles when the scientist stumbles upon a revelation: it is Lucas' blood that holds the key to unlocking the dormant potential within other humans. As the world's last hope, will Lucas be able to protect humanity from the looming threats, or will the pressure of being the solitary savior prove too overwhelming? And what happens when the threat extends to not just that realm but to other realms as well, including Earth where his loved ones still reside? Read the novel to know more.